
De Omnis Bibliotheca
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  • Firefox / Safari : maintenez la touche Maj (Shift) en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser ou appuyez sur Ctrl + F5 ou Ctrl + R (⌘ + R sur un Mac).
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$(function () {


    // 1 - Gestion des clicks souris


    function initClickTrigger() {
        var key = $(this).data('trigger');
        var group = $(this).data('group');
        // change selection
        $('[data-trigger="' + key + '"]').addClass('active');
        $('[data-target="' + key + '"]').addClass('active');
        if (group) {
            // unactivate all others in group
            $('.active[data-group="' + group + '"]:not([data-trigger="' + key + '"])').each(function () {
                var eachKey = $(this).data('trigger');
                $('[data-target="' + eachKey + '"]').removeClass('active');

    // 2 - Gestion de la souris pour scroller une carte stellaire

    var clicked = false, clickX, clickY;
        'mousemove': function (e) {
            if (clicked) {
                $(this).scrollTop($(this).scrollTop() + (clickY - e.pageY));
                $(this).scrollLeft($(this).scrollLeft() + (clickX - e.pageX));
                clickX = e.pageX;
                clickY = e.pageY;
        'mousedown': function (e) {
            clicked = true;
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        'mouseup': function () {
            clicked = false;
        'mouseleave': function () {
            clicked = false;

    if (!window.fetch) {
        console.error("function 'fetch' not available...");

    // 3 - Fonction pour interpréter à la volée du code wiki

    function parseWikiCode(wikiCode, callback, errorHandler) {
        // build query URl
        const url = "" +
            new URLSearchParams({
                origin: "*",
                action: "parse",
                text: wikiCode,
                contentmodel: "wikitext",
                format: "json",
                prop: "text|parsewarnings|headitems"

        // perform request with 'fetch'
        console.log("[parseWikiCode] Parse WikiCode: " + wikiCode);
        console.log("[parseWikiCode] Parse WikiCode Request: " + url);

            .then(function (response) {
                if (response.ok) {
                    console.log("[parseWikiCode] Response OK ");
                    return response.json();
                } else {
                    console.log("[parseWikiCode] Response status " + response.status);
                    return null;
            }, function (error) {
                // Network error
                console.log("[parseWikiCode] Network error ");
                if (typeof errorHandler == 'function') {
            .then(function (response) {
                if (response) {
                    // Response success
                    const htmlPageContent = response.parse.text["*"];
                    if (typeof callback == 'function') {
                } else {
                    // Response not OK
                    if (typeof errorHandler == 'function') {
            }, function (error) {
                // Parsing response error
                console.log("[parseWikiCode] parsing error ");
                if (typeof errorHandler == 'function') {

    // 4 - Bouton pour relancer les Previews Random

    // init : add refresh button

    function initPreviewWrapper() {
        console.log("[initPreviewWrapper] new Preview Wrapper");
        $('<div><div>&#x21bb;</div><img alt="Logo-OB-2021.jpg" src="//"></div>')
            .addClass('preview-refresh-btn no-print')

    function refreshAllPreviews() {
        $('#previews-wrapper').attr('status', 'loading');
        $('#previews-wrapper .preview').each(refreshPreview);

    function refreshPreview() {
        const preview = $(this);
        preview.attr('status', 'loading');

        // get image position
        const previewImage = preview.find('.preview-page-img');
        var imagePosition = 'none';
        if (previewImage.hasClass('right')) {
            imagePosition = 'right';
        } else if (previewImage.hasClass('left')) {
            imagePosition = 'left';

        // get model name to generate preview
        var model = preview.find('.preview-model-src').html();
        model = model ? model : 'Preview Random';

        var callback = function (htmlCode) {
            // preview load success -> inject new HTML code
            console.log("[nextPreview] GET New Preview Random OK");
            const preview = $(this);
            preview.attr('status', 'loaded');
        callback = callback.bind(preview);

        var errorHandler = function () {
            // preview load failed
            console.error("[nextPreview] GET New Preview Random FAILED");
            const preview = $(this);
            preview.attr('status', 'loaded');
        errorHandler = errorHandler.bind(preview);

        // retrieve new previews
        parseWikiCode('{{Modèle:' + model + '|image_position=' + imagePosition + '|seed=' + new Date().getTime() + '}}',

    function checkRefreshLoad() {
        const loadingCount = $('#previews-wrapper .preview[status="loading"]').length;
        console.log("[checkLoading] loading count " + loadingCount);
        if (loadingCount === 0) {
            setTimeout(function () { $('#previews-wrapper').attr('status', 'loaded'); }, 500);
        } else {
            setTimeout(checkRefreshLoad, 500);

    // 5 - Lazy loading : chargement dynamique de contenu lorsque visible
    var loaderCount = 0;

    $('.lazy-loader[data-state="loadable"]').each(function () {

    function initLazyLoader(lazyLoader) {
        console.log('[DEBUG-' + loaderCount + '-' + lazyLoader.attr('id') + '] lazy-loader - INIT');'handler-ref', loaderCount);


    function checkVisibilityChange(lazyLoader) {
        console.log('[DEBUG-' +'handler-ref') + '] lazy-loader - INIT: already visible');
        if (isElementPartialInViewport(lazyLoader)) {
            onVisibilityChange(lazyLoader, true);
        } else {
            setTimeout(checkVisibilityChange, 500, lazyLoader);

    function isElementPartialInViewport(el) {
        if (typeof jQuery === "function" && el instanceof jQuery) {
            el = el[0];
        var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
        var windowHeight = (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight);

        return !(
            Math.floor(100 - ((( >= 0 ? 0 : / +-rect.height) * 100)) < 0.1 ||
            Math.floor(100 - ((rect.bottom - windowHeight) / rect.height) * 100) < 0.1
    function isElementInViewport(el) {
        if (typeof jQuery === "function" && el instanceof jQuery) {
            el = el[0];
        var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
        return (
   >= 0 &&
            rect.left >= 0 &&
            rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && /* or $(window).height() */
            rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) /* or $(window).width() */

    function onVisibilityChange(lazyLoader, visible) {
        console.log('[DEBUG-' +'handler-ref') + '] lazy-loader - On visible change : ' + lazyLoader);
        if (visible && lazyLoader.attr('data-state') == 'loadable') {
            console.log('[DEBUG-' +'handler-ref') + '] lazy-loader - Visible first time');
            // lazy loader appearing at the first time into the viewport => loading
            lazyLoader.attr('data-state', 'loading');

            // load page
            lazyLoader.find('.lazy-loading-content').each(function () {
                const wikiCode = $(this).html();
                    function (htmlCode) {
                        console.log("[lazy-loading] Parsing wikicode OK: " + wikiCode);
                        lazyLoader.attr('data-state', 'load-success');
                        var loadedContent = $(htmlCode);
                    }, function () {
                        // loading failed
                        console.error("[lazy-loading] Parsing wikicode FAILED: " + wikiCode);
                        lazyLoader.attr('data-state', 'load-fail');

    function doAfterLoad(loadedContent) {
        // init previews swap button
        loadedContent.each(function () {
            if ($(this).is('#previews-wrapper')) {
            } else if ($(this).is('[data-trigger]')) {

    function initChainedLazyLoaders(lazyLoader) {
        var id = lazyLoader.attr('id');
        // active those referecing by 'previous'
        if (id) {
            $('.lazy-loader[data-state="sleep"][data-previous-load="' + id + '"]').each(function () {
                $(this).attr('data-state', 'loadable');
        // active those refereced by 'previous'
        var next = lazyLoader.attr('data-next-loader');
        if (next) {
            next.split(' ').forEach(function (loaderId) {
                $('.lazy-loader[id="' + loaderId + '"]').attr('data-state', 'loadable');

    // 6 - Gestion de l'épinglage du menu d'une page
    $('#toc').each(function () {
        const pageMenuContent = $(this).html();
        $('#pinned-page-menu').each(function () {
            $(this).html(pageMenuContent + '<div class="pin-page-menu"></div>');
    $('.pin-page-menu').click(function () {

    // 7 - Gestion du mode plein écran
    $('.fullscreen-mode-toggler').click(function () {
        if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
        } else {
            if (document.exitFullscreen) {
    $('#content')[0].addEventListener("fullscreenchange", function (event) {
        if (document.fullscreenElement) {
        } else {

    // 8 - Gestion du mode pleine largeur
    $('.display-mode-large-toggler').click(function () {

    // 9 - Gestion du mode simplifié
    $('.display-mode-zen-toggler').click(function () {

    // 10 - Reset des modes d'affichage custom
    $('.display-mode-cleaner').click(function () {

    // 11 - Correction des wikitables pour affichages multi-plateforme
    $('table.wikitable').each(function () {
        // remplacement de l'attribut CSS par la classe CSS
        var float = $(this).css('float');
        if (float == 'right' || float == 'left') {

            $(this).css('float', 'unset');
            $(this).addClass('float-' + float);

            // correction de la largeur
            var style = $(this).attr('style');
            var isWidth40percent = (style.indexOf('width: 40%;') > 0) || (style.indexOf('width:40%;') > 0);
            if (isWidth40percent) {
                $(this).css('width', 'unset');
            var isWidth30percent = (style.indexOf('width: 30%;') > 0) || (style.indexOf('width:30%;') > 0);
            if (isWidth30percent) {
                $(this).css('width', 'unset');

    // 12 - Chargement dynamique des résumé des pages récentes.
    var callbackOnSummaryLoad = function (htmlCode) {
        // explorer template load success -> inject explorer HTML code in current page
        console.log("[Explore-OB] GET Template 'Explorer OB' OK");
        console.log("[Page-Summary] summary loaded : " + $(this).html());
    $('.page-summary').each(function () {
        var wikicode = $(this).html();
        console.log("[Page-Summary] parseWikiCode... " + wikicode);
        parseWikiCode(wikicode, callbackOnSummaryLoad.bind(this));

    // 13 - Chargement dynamique du menu 'Explorateur'

    function initCategoryTrees(rootComponent) {
        var loadChildren;

         * Expands a given node (loading it's children if not loaded)
        function expandNode($link) {
            // Show the children node
            var $children = $link.parents('.CategoryTreeItem')
                .css('display', '');

                title: mw.msg('categorytree-collapse'),
                'data-ct-state': 'expanded'

            if (!$'ct-loaded')) {
                loadChildren($link, $children);

         * Collapses a node
        function collapseNode($link) {
            // Hide the children node
                .css('display', 'none');

                title: mw.msg('categorytree-expand'),
                'data-ct-state': 'collapsed'

         * Handles clicks on the expand buttons, and calls the appropriate function
        function handleNode() {
            var $link = $(this);
            if ($link.attr('data-ct-state') === 'collapsed') {
            } else {

         * Attach click handler to buttons
        function attachHandler($content) {
            console.log('[CategoryTree] attachHandler');
                .on('click', handleNode)
                .attr('title', function () {
                    return mw.msg(
                        $(this).attr('data-ct-state') === 'collapsed' ?
                            'categorytree-expand' :

         * Loads children for a node via an HTTP call
        loadChildren = function ($link, $children) {
            var $linkParentCTTag, ctTitle, ctMode, ctOptions;

             * Error callback
            function error() {
                var $retryLink;

                $retryLink = $('<a>')
                        role: 'button',
                        tabindex: 0
                    .on('click keypress', function (e) {
                        if (
                            e.type === 'click' ||
                            e.type === 'keypress' && e.which === 13
                        ) {
                            loadChildren($link, $children);

                    .text(mw.msg('categorytree-error') + ' ')

            $'ct-loaded', true);


            $linkParentCTTag = $link.parents('.CategoryTreeTag');

            // Element may not have a .CategoryTreeTag parent, fallback to defauls
            // Probably a CategoryPage (@todo: based on what?)
            ctTitle = $link.attr('data-ct-title');
            ctMode = $'ct-mode');
            ctMode = typeof ctMode === 'number' ? ctMode : undefined;
            ctOptions = $linkParentCTTag.attr('data-ct-options');

            // Mode and options have defaults or fallbacks, title does not.
            // Don't make a request if there is no title.
            if (!ctTitle) {

            new mw.Api().get({
                action: 'categorytree',
                category: ctTitle,
                options: ctOptions,
                uselang: mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'),
                formatversion: 2
            }).done(function (data) {
                var $data;

                data = data.categorytree.html;

                if (data === '') {
                    $data = $('<i>').addClass('CategoryTreeNotice')
                        // eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/msg-doc
                            0: 'categorytree-no-subcategories',
                            10: 'categorytree-no-pages',
                            100: 'categorytree-no-parent-categories'
                        }[ctMode] || 'categorytree-nothing-found'));
                } else {
                    $data = $($.parseHTML(data));


        if (rootComponent) {

    $('a.nav-link.n-Explorateur').attr('data-trigger', 'ob-nav').attr('data-group', 'toggle-menu').click(initClickTrigger);

    var callbackOnExplorerLoad = function (htmlCode) {
        // explorer template load success -> inject explorer HTML code in current page
        console.log("[Explore-OB] GET Template 'Explorer OB' OK");
        var content = $('<div id="p-categorytree-portlet">' + htmlCode + '</div>');
        console.log("[Explore-OB] 'Explorer OB' menu added");
        var rootPath = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath');
        console.log("[Explore-OB] rootPath: " + rootPath);

        console.log("[Explore-OB] 'Explorer OB' dynamic init BEGIN");
        console.log("[Explore-OB] 'Explorer OB' dynamic init END");
    parseWikiCode('{{Modèle:Explorer OB}}', callbackOnExplorerLoad);

    // END - Tag document.body as 'page-loaded'.
